The Very Hungry Caterpillar!
The children have been reading and rereading this wonderful story by Eric Carle. This has become a familiar story. A familiar story is a story that we know really well and understand. One of our literacy projects with this story was to create a podcast. These podcasts are our first ones. All the children did a wonderful job sharing whatever they wanted to say about this familiar story
Eloise.wav Peter.wav Patrick.wav Mia.wav Lucy.wav Johnathan.wav George.wav
Sophia.wav Tennyson.wav Avery.wav Arian.wav Alexa.wav Alex.wav
Podcasts and Drawings Inspired By
"The Lorax", By, Dr. Seuss
The children enjoyed listening to the story, The Lorax. Afterwards we had a discussion about the events in the story, what we felt was important, what our favorite part was and why and how the story made us feel. I was really impressed with the ideas that the children shared in our discussion, podcasts and in their drawings.
2012-03-19 10_16.wav
By, Jacob
2012-03-08 12_55.wav
By, Kyle
2012-03-08 12_54.wav
By, Asher
2012-03-08 01_23.wav
By, Montana
2012-03-19 10_20.wav
By, Brian
2012-03-08 01_30.wav
By, Parker
2012-03-08 01_54.wav
By, Oliver
2012-03-08 12_38.wav
By, Philip
2012-03-08 12_36.wav
By, Avery
By, Lauryn
By, Abby
By, Poppy
2012-03-19 10_31.wav
By, Jayden
By, Sally
2012-03-08 01_36.wav
By, Sylvie
2012-03-08 02_11.wav
By, Lucia
2012-03-08 02_24.wav
By, Sabrina
Celebrating Writing In A Podcast!
During the month of February we are celebrating writing and reading in Kindergarten. We will be having a special Open House on the 21st for everyone to come and see some of the wonderful things we are doing in regards to literacy. This week the children had an opportunity to create a podcast about why writing is important and how it helps them. I love how each child has their own interpretation and ideas about their feelings about writing. Their art work is beautiful too! The illustrations are things/tools that the children feel help them with their writing. Most are digital tools!
2012-02-13 09_34.wav Sabrina
2012-02-13 09_51.wav Jacob
2012-02-13 09_46.wav Philip
2012-02-13 09_43.wav Kyle
2012-02-13 09_39.wav Sylvie
2012-02-13 09_38.wav Montana
2012-02-13 09_31.wav Poppy
2012-02-13 09_28(1).wav Avery
2012-02-13 09_28.wav Abby
2012-02-13 09_24.wav Oliver
2012-02-13 09_13.wav Brian
2012-02-13 09_19.wav Jayden
2012-02-13 09_09.wav
2012-02-13 09_10.wav Asher
2012-02-13 08_57.wav Parker
2012-02-13 09_05.wav Lauryn
2012-02-14 10_43.wav Lucia
Podcasts About Our Wishes For The World
2012-01-10 09_21.wav
2012-01-10 12_33.wav
2012-01-10 12_24(1).wav
2012-01-10 12_26.wav
2012-01-10 10_11.wav
2012-01-10 10_49.wav
2012-01-10 12_32.wav
2012-01-10 12_24.wav
2012-01-10 09_48.wav
2012-01-10 09_20.wav
2012-01-10 10_25.wav
2012-01-10 12_20(2).wav
2012-01-10 12_25(1).wav
2012-01-10 12_20.wav
2012-01-06 02_16(2).wav
2012-01-10 12_21.wav
2012-01-10 12_22.wav
Podcasts of How We Are Different
2011-12-08 08_22.wav Philip
2011-12-07 02_08(1).wavAbby
Sabrina2011-12-07 02_08(2).wav
Avery2011-12-07 02_05(1).wav
2011-12-07 02_04(1).wav Poppy
2011-12-07 02_02(1).wav Jayden
2011-12-07 02_02.wav Montana
2011-12-07 02_01.wav Lauryn
2011-12-07 02_00.wav Jacob
2011-12-07 01_59(1).wav Sylvie
2011-12-07 01_52.wavKyle
2011-12-07 01_51.wavLucia
2011-12-07 01_45.wavSally
2011-12-07 01_44.wavBrian
2011-12-07 01_59.wavOliver
2011-12-07 01_43.wavAsher
2011-12-07 01_42.wavParker
We read a great story called; How We Are The Same and Different. The children enjoyed turning and talking about how they were the same and different with a partner after the story. As a group we came up with a list of ideas that share how we are the same. This is what we came up with; We are all in Kindergarten, we all live in Vermont, we all go to school at Allen Brook, We Are All Kind, Safe and Responsible, We all work hard, We are learning a lot.
Below you will see the page that your child created. The page shares how they are different from a friend, then they created an illustration of their idea. I am so impressed with how the children are beginning to use/recognize when to use spaces between words, where to use capital letters, how to use punctuation and of course that they are writing/sharing an idea by writing a sentence!
The other really interesting thing is that we used an iPad to create our podcasts! We have an app called; Audio Memos. This is for recording children read, etc.-children can then hear themselves on playback and/or the recordings the children make can also be emailed! The children are able to record themselves so easily!
Parker 2011-12-07 01_42.wav
Asher2011-12-07 01_43.wav
Brian2011-12-07 01_44.wav
Sally2011-12-07 01_45.wav
Lucia2011-12-07 01_51.wav
Kyle2011-12-07 01_52.wav
Oliver2011-12-07 01_59.wav
Sylvie2011-12-07 01_59(1).wav
Jacob2011-12-07 02_00.wav
Lauryn2011-12-07 02_01.wav
Montana2011-12-07 02_02.wav
Jayden2011-12-07 02_02(1).wav
Poppy2011-12-07 02_04.wav
Avery2011-12-07 02_05.wav
Sabrina2011-12-07 02_08.wav
Abby2011-12-07 02_08(1).wav
Philip2011-12-08 08_22.wav
Podcasts of The Life Cycle of The Monarch Butterfly
Created By, Sylvie
The children have been learning all about the life cycle of many different kinds of plants and animals this fall. We created podcasts of the life cycle of the Monarch Butterfly for you to enjoy. We spent a lot of time reading about this unique life cycle. One of our favorite stories was The Monarch Butterfly by, Gail Gibbons. Enjoy the podcasts! You will see the children's artwork displayed at our first celebration of learning next week!
JacobZ0000327.mp3 SabrinaZ0000328.mp3 BrianZ0000329.mp3
SylvieZ0000330.mp3 AbbyZ0000331.mp3 PhilipZ0000332.mp3
KyleZ0000333.mp3 JaydenZ0000336.mp3 OliverZ0000337.mp3
AsherZ0000338.mp3 SallyZ0000340.mp3 ParkerZ0000341.mp3
MontanaZ0000342.mp3 LaurenZ0000347.mp3 AveryZ0000346.mp3
PoppyZ0000350.mp3 LuciaZ0000351.mp3
Paintings and Podcasts of The Very Hungry Caterpillar
We have been reading the story,"The Very Hungry Caterpillar" by, Eric Carle. It is one of our familiar stories because we have read it many times and focused on lots of different features of the story each time we read it. Your child has created and illustrated their own story of the book too. Your child keeps lots of familiar stories that we read in Kindergarten in their book bin. This way during our Reader's Workshop time your child is able to read and practice reading the familiar stories we have read in class.
Each of the children have created their own interpretation of what they think the very hungry caterpillar looks like. After we created our caterpillars the children were able to create a podcast of the story. This is a wonderful way for children to practice re-telling a story. During our Reader's Workshop time we have many opportunities to turn and talk about what we understand about a story after we read it. Enjoy!
SylvieZ0000302.mp3 SallyZ0000303.mp3 OliverZ0000305.mp3
AveryZ0000307.mp3 PhilipZ0000308.mp3 BrianZ0000309.mp3
JacobZ0000310.mp3 JaydenZ0000312.mp3 MontanaZ0000313.mp3 KyleZ0000314.mp3 AsherZ0000315.mp3 LaurynZ0000317.mp3 SabrinaZ0000320.mp3 ParkerZ0000319.mp3 PoppyZ0000323.mp3 AbbyZ0000324.mp3 Lucia Z0000326.mp3
Hello Mrs. D,
Thanks much for sharing such wonderful recordings! Listening to Sabrina's voice makes our heart warm up! Please keep them coming. Thanks, Giovanna & Dan Butler
Podcasts of Our Dreams For The Future
Our ideas were inspired by Martin Luther Kings Dream. We enjoyed reading a book written by Martin's sister, Christine. The story reminded us of how important it is to be kind and treat others the way we wish to be treated. The watercolor art work and voices are from 5 and 6 year children who care very much about each other and the world. Thanks for listening.................
Z0000224.mp3 Avery
Harper Z0000229.mp3
Norah Z0000219.mp3
Mikhyia Z0000222.mp3
James Z0000217.mp3
Comments (2)
Bonnie Birdsall said
at 5:39 pm on Jan 25, 2011
I love these podcasts and your dreams. Thank you for sharing them! ~Ms. Birdsall
Sharon E. Davison said
at 6:20 pm on Jan 25, 2011
I am so proud of you all. I am especially proud to be your teacher. Never give up on your dream! Mrs. D.
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