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Page history last edited by Sharon E. Davison 14 years, 3 months ago



Welcome To The Poetry Page!


*** In the video clip below you will hear a child reading her poem about a card.  This is a great example of how you can teach poetry by using everyday objects.***



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On this page you will read, listen and watch how poetry emerges for young children.  Many of the ideas and lessons that I use are taken from Regie Routman's Book called, "Kids' Poems" and also a book called, "Poetry: Powerful Thoughts in Tiny Packages by Lucy Calkins and Stephanie Parsons".



One of the greatest things I love about teaching poetry is how fun, interactive and spontaneous it can be all at once!  Young children are really able to express themselves through their own use and knowledge of language.  During a poetry study this year I noticed how I could use everyday situations like washing your hands, blowing your nose and walking to lunch to create a poem!  I found this to be very motivating for the children as they had an opportunity to "talk out" or "sing out" their idea.  Once this happened children were comfortable and willing to take a risk to create their poem using drawings, labels and words!


In the video clip below you will listen to how a child used an everyday tool we use in Kindergarten to create an object poem. 

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